About The Fellowship

Activities of the President’s Fellowship

The President’s Fellowship will entail the following activities:

4 Months Online 

Fellows will go through an online set curriculum to develop skills in Moral and Innovative Leadership, Governance & Civic Leadership, Business & Social Entrepreneurship, Peace building and Environmental Conservation & Climate Action.


The fellows will be expected to give voluntary services in either their community or a community/county other than their own to instil the spirit of service among the young leaders.

3 months 
Corporate Internship

Volunteering with top organizations trying to help them come up with solutions to some of their challenges 

Inter County/Region Exchange programmes:

To promote diversity and their understanding of the different cultures in Kenya with the view of enhancing National Cohesion, the fellows will live and work for at least one week in one of the 47 Counties or the former 8 provinces and share their experiences in a national symposium at the end of the fellowship.

Experiential Challenge Activity 

The fellows will be taken through an outdoor experiential training after the exchange program. This is a unique approach to personal development that is premised on the reality that leadership and good management practices and instincts cannot be learnt exclusively in a classroom/lecture hall. 

The Governor’s 

The programme that targets to have dialogue between County Governors and the President’s fellows, with the main aim of enhancing a sustainable peace in the country and promote tourism in our counties. This dialogue seeks to defuse ethnic competition, strengthening devolution, inclusivity, avoiding divisive elections, security and shared prosperity. .

The President’s Fellowship Summit:

At the conclusion of the fellowship period, the Fellows will converge in a Summit where they will be awarded with certificates or recognition and other awards.

One Million Tree 
Planting Campaign

Through its adopt a tree initiative, the 1 M tree growing campaign with a focus on the Fellows will mobilize other youth within their counties to plant at least 25000 trees or more through the one million trees growing campaign. . 

Goodwill Ambassadors 

The fellows will be appointed as goodwill ambassadors for their respective countries, wherever they are stationed locally or internationally. 


 Aside from having privileged access to national leaders, fellows will be matched with selected leaders from the public and private sectors to guide and support them in applying the lessons and skills learned during their fellowship. As a way of paying it forward after their fellowship, the fellows will also serve as mentors to other youth in the community and schools.. 


For sustainability, the fellows can form Alumni Associations with a “FUND” to support other upcoming entrepreneurs; they can organize monthly networking events after the fellowship, TED Talks etc. to keep them connected. The mentorship and Goodwill ambassadors also form part of the sustainability aspect.

Talented Youths
Corporate Institutions